Waa~ rasanya dah sgt lama Kaseh tak up date blog ni. dan dah lama juga rasanya tak buat review pasal anime.
ok, hari ni nak cerite sikit bout diz anime... PRETEAR... ini bukan anime terbaru tapi mungkin ada yg masih tak tahu pasal anime lagi.
anime bergenre Shojo ni ala-ala kisah Sailormoon sikit. tp x sama. hurm... memang x samalah. apalah aku ni...
sedikit sinopsis utk anda semua...(Kaseh malas nak translate... juga malas nak tulis sendiri sinopsis ni dlm bhs melayu... korang fhm2 sendirilah. korang semua terror B.I kan... hikhikhik)
A high school girl named Himeno Awayuki is attempted to adjust to her new life after her widowed father remarries wealthy divorcee Natsue. While taking a short cut to school, Himeno accidentally steps on a flower. As she tries to think of how to help it, a little boy named Shin, tells her to take his hand. When she does, the flower is healed but Himeno collapses. When she awakens, she finds herself surrounded by the seven Leafe Knights, Hayate, Sasame, Goh, Kei, Mannen, Hajime, and Shin. They tell her that the red snow that has been falling on the town recently is being caused by the Princess of Disaster who is awakening, and that she is using demon larva to absorb Leafe, the essence of all life. They ask Himeno to become the Prétear and help them protect the world. Himeno is initially reluctant, believing they are part of a cult or trying to play a trick on her. When a larva attacks the city and begins stealing leafe, including from her friend Yayoi, Himeno agrees to help. Hayate tells her to take her hand and she merges with him to become the Prétear of the wind. After adjusting to her new powers, Himeno is able to defeat the larva.
~:~ Himeno as a White Pretear (Honto Kirei)~:~
~:~ Hayate the Knight of Wind (Hero) ~:~
~:~ Sasame... Knight of Sound yg cool. ala2 Yoon Jihoo dlm BOF. Kakkoi~!! dia seorang Dj radio~:~
~:~ Kei... Knight of light. bekerja di sebuah syarikat internet ~:~
~:~ Goh... Knight of Fire. kerja part time sebagai pelayan restoran.~:~
~:~ Mannen... Knight of Ice. ketua dlm yougest knight leafe yg terdiri drp Hajime & shin. ~:~
~:~ Hajime... Knight of Water. ~:~
~:~ Shin... Knight of Plant. Ahli termuda dlm 7 Knight Leafe. Kaseh suke dia. sgt kawaii~~...~:~
The name of the band is a combination of the alphabet and numbers that have special meanings for the band members. The first “S” stands for the “Sun” and the“Star.” The second “S” is an abbreviation for “Singer.” The number 5,0 and 1 means ‘the 5 members of the band become one.’ In other words, the name SS501 means that 5 members gathered together to become singers and later in the future, big stars in the entertainment world.
Kim Hyun-joong
Position : Leader, rap, vocal Date of birth: June 6th, 1986 Blood type : B Physique : 180cm, 68kg Education :Hanyang Industrial High School Hobbies :Swimming, weight training, basketball, soccer Talents :Playing the guitar, piano, dancing Motto : Life in one strike.
Huh Young-saeng
Position :Main high vocal Date of birth : November 3rd, 1986 Blood type: O Physique :178cm, 63kg Education : Graduated from Hyundai High School Hobbies :Computer games, basketball, listening to music Talent :Playing the piano Motto :Don’t look behind after doing your best
Kim Kyu-jong
Position :High low vocal Date of birth :February 24th, 1987 Blood type: A Physique :181cm, 65kg Education :Department of Popular Music, Baekje Arts Collge Hobbies :Listening to music, basketball, reading Talent :Performing magic Motto :Challenge and don’t have regrets.
Park Jung-min
Position : Low vocal Date of birth: April 3rd, 1987 Blood type: O Physique : 181cm, 67kg Education :High school affiliated to Dankook University Hobby :Writing lyrics Talents :Tap dancing, rock climbing Motto : Be always grateful.
Position : Main vocal, rap Date of birth: August 3rd, 1987 Blood type : O Physique: 181cm, 66kg Education :High school affiliated to Dankook University Hobbies : Computer games, weight training, listening to music Talents :Swimming, dancing Motto: Walk and walk.
Kenapa saya suka SS501... sebab saya sukasukasukasuka... saya suka sangat dengan mereka macam saya suka sangat pada NewS. mereka penari yang hebat. mereka ada vocal yang mantap. attitude mereka juga sangat menarik. kadang2 agak gila, terutama sekali Hyun Joong. Kawaii tapi macho... Hyung Joon. nampak pendiam tapi suara class gile~... Young saeng. yang cool lagi gentle pula... Jung Min. terror buat magic trick... Kyujung~
dan kalau nak compare dengan TVXQ or Tohoshinki... dengan confidentnya Kaseh akan pilih SS501... bukan nak kata TVXQ xbest tapi Double S lagi menarik... and the other thing... muka tak plastik macam TVXQ tu... hakhakhak~ (Sorry ya peminat TVXQ yg terbace entry ni. Kaseh mmg jahat mulut tapi hakikatnya mmg betul pun rumor ni.)
1) Apakah hubungan awak dengan dia (INSAN YANG MENGETAG ANDA)? salah seorang rakan di alam maya
2) 5 impressions terhadap si dia.. hurm... ~comey ~dia selalu kate die kuat merepek... tp actually dia okey je..hehehe~(aku pun kuat merepek gak kekadang) ~dia suka menulis... pon mcm Kaseh gak ~Dia suka artis Jpop... juga mcm Kaseh ~dia suka Ryo-chan... argh~ yg ni Kaseh tak puas hati~!! Ryo-chan tu cinta hati Kaseh gak... huhuhu~ apa kes nak kena bermadu dgn Nemo ni...huhuhu~
3) Perkara yang paling memorable dia pernah lakukan kat awak? aaa... err... ape ek??... eh, mane ade... kitorang baru kenallah~
4orable dia cakap kat awak? lagilah x penah..) Perkara yang paling mem. chat ngan cik comel Nemo ni pon x penah inikan pula nak bercakap...
5) Kalau dia kekasih awak, awak akan? Kaseh nak dia lupakan my Ryo-chan dengan serta-merta!
6) Kalau dia jadi musuh anda, anda akan? cubit2 pipi die, gigit-gitgit lengan die... hahaha~ sbb part tu yg paling Kaseh geram.
7) Kalau dia jadi kekasih anda, dia perlu improve dalam? i have no idea to answer diz question... huhuhu~
8) Kalau dia jadi musuh anda mungkin kerana
Ryo-chan...nishikido ryo... my love ryotarou...hakhakhak~
9) Overall impresion tentang dia? dia mungkin bole jadi seorang sahabat bila kita berkawan dengannya...
10) The most desirable thing to do to her/him? Hee?? x de lah...
11) Apakah anda rasa tentang pandangan orang terhadap anda? banyak... salah satunya mungkin orang sedang mengata Kaseh budak pelik stok luar alam tahap petala kelapan belas!
12) The character of you for yourself.. jiwa remaja biarpun usia semakin meningkat dewasa
13) On contrary, the character you hate about you.. tak pandai planing masa depan.
14) The ideal person you want to be with.. nishikido Ryo
15) For people who like you, tell something about them.
ryo-chan?... hurm... the sharp tounge guy, suka buli sesapa yang dia sayang, si pendek tak cukup ketinggian, n dia seorang yg sangat berusaha... setiap ayat dlm diary dia mesti akan buat semua org bersemangat nak mulakan hari baru... i love guy like him.
16) Ten people you tag..
~cik kedondong ~ain_aka-dak in ~putri lily ~miss kira ~qyn qyna ~hohoho~ kaseh x de idea nak tag sape ni... hurm~ hah!mapiao yg bute i.t. ~pas tu...baby yg baru lahir petang tadi ~errm... sape lagi ek?... erm, sesape yg rasa diri die cute plus kawaii ~kemudian sesape yg rasa kaseh budak paling comey(gile ape aku ni?!!) ~sape yg baru dijangkiti selsema babi
17) Number 2 ada hubungan dengan siapa? pakwe dier lah... (kalau dia ade pakwe lah. aku pun x sure dia ade balak ke tak)
18) Is number 3 male or female.. confirm lah pompuan
19) If number 7 dengan number 10 ada relationship.. Is it a good thing? no! abselutely no!!
20) Number 1 belajar apa? masak2... aku x ingat nama course dia ambil... kullinary lah klu x silap...
21) Macam mana dengan number 5 dan number 8? no 5 baru nak kenal... yg no 8 tu~aku x kenal... hakhakhak~!
22) Number 4 single ke? maybe...
23) Say something about number 6.. no 6 tidak pernah ade kena mengena dalam hidup kaseh.
24) Number 9 kelakar ker? yg ni lagilah x kenal... tapi klu ade org jenis ini silalah komen Kaseh ek... nnt Kaseh bagi hadiah special... hohoho~
p/S : huuh~ jenuh aku nak menjawap tag si Nemo ni... settle gak... =))
MBC We Got Married is a show where participating celebrities are coupled as husbands and wives to portray the lives of newly-weds. on 11th May 2008(episode 9), SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo joined the show as ‘older wife-younger husband’ couple, thus bringing a new situation and a different air to the show..
with suggestion from my buddy yg kirenye kipas susah mati (die hard fan) Kim Hyun Joong, i start to watch this WGM, kim hyun joong and hwang bo cut only..
Hakhakhak~~~ sengal... sangattt~... plus cute plus sweet plus macam tengok romantic comedy drama... Aiyoo, Kaseh gelak guling2 tengok 2 couple ni dlm program ni... bayangkanlah Hyunjoong yang sebenar langsung berbeza dengan Yoon Jihu dalam BOF. SUNGGUH!! Kaseh dah semakin minat die ni plus HwangBoo juga lepas tengok WGM.
antara sbb yang menarik tuk terus tgk dari episode 9 sehingga ke 38 ialah :
1.pasangan ni tua n muda. lelaki ni, hyun joong, sgtla pendiam. tak cakap byk…pastu dia tak sangka dpt ‘isteri’ yang tua. dia bajet partner yang kiut … hakhakhak~
2.perempuan ni tak kesah partner dia selalu sindir2 dia..dia gelak je guling2..(HwangBoo mmg asyik gelak je dlm WGM)
3.hyun joong suka buat lawak sarkastik..org lain semua gelak2..dia muka takde perasaan...
4. blh tgk dia orang punya changes..dari awkward jadi baik…ala2 boleh jadi bestfren sbb lelaki ni pernah bagi tau, dia ngan girlfren dia amek masa setahun setengah jugak nak baik..
…………bykla part2 sweet mereka yg Kaseh tak puas tengok..hohohohoho…sepuluh kali tgk pon tak puas..kroniknya gua..huhuhu...
somebody plz help me~ i'm sick... sick with Hyun Joong right now! ... Gomen ne Ryo-chan... Kaseh curang sekejap. hakhakhak~~
About diz song... 1 je Kaseh dapat gambarkan di sini... lagu ni betul2 menyentuh perasaan. abaikan liriknya yang kita tak faham tu, sebab Kaseh berbicara tentang muziknya. tapi kalau dah baca translate in english yg Kaseh sediakan sekali pun mmg padanlah dgn muzik die kan...
tambah lagi klu korang ikuti perkembangan dramanya... hubungan antara Jandi dan Junpyo yang penuh halangan... baik daripada keluarga mahupun orang ketiga. lagu ni memang sesuai diberi peranan sebagai muzik latar utk Jandi dan Junpyo. dan tidak mustahil jika ada penonton yang meleleh air mata kerana lagu ni memang berjaya memainkan peranannya bermain dengan perasaan penonton... sobss~
(English Translation) even though i tell it not to go, even though i tell it to stop my heart keeps going towards you it doesn't wear out, it doesn't decrease why is my love like this
one by one, i count and count the memories my heart can't rest for even a moment it'll just become baggage that becomes hard to control why can't i even throw them away
really, my heart must have done something somehow i must have become a fool that's blind from love just one place, everyday one place looking at the sad light that is you even the tear glands must be broken my tears won't stop i love only you, only you can't you just tell me?
even if i hold out my hands, no matter how much i call out you're always far from me it'll be a love that becomes painful scars why can't i erase it
really, my heart must have done something somehow i must have become a fool that's blind from love just one place, everyday one place looking at the sad light that is you even the tear glands must be broken my tears won't stop just one word.. the one phrase that you love can't you just tell me?
i try to comfort myself with the lie that i'm happy if you just smile because the place you're going towards is not me the lonely tears flow
really, my heart must have done something somehow i must have gone crazy over this hard love can't have you, can't forget you waiting for you day by day
i must have gotten ill from missing you so much from loving you too much just one thing.. your heart, that one thing can't you just share it with me